Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dawggin: OchocinHOE Defends His Disrespectul Ways & Takes Shots at Ev on Twitter

Obviously no lessons were learned on Chad's part. Since OchocincHOE's suspension from the NFL, the ex Miami Dolphins player has had too much free time and had a lot to say on Twitter. He started off by saying...
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If I wasn't mistaken, I would say he took a shot at Evelyn but he had much more to say. He continued by retweeting a follower and saying...
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Hmm, so now he's calling Ev a goldigger? But he continued with another exchange replying to another follower, saying...
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Well whatever Ev's intentions were, his intentions to lie, cheat, get violent, seem apologetic but then turn around to be a a**hole once again, was just going overboard but he clearly doesn't think so because he went on to say...
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So now he's insinuating that since Magic Johnson and Bill Clinton both cheated and still was able to lay down with their wives at night that he should have had that same treatment for Evelyn. Ummm ooookkkkk??? Then after more exchanges, there was this...
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Do you believe that Ev really was stepping out on him too or is he trying to justify his whereabouts during their relationship. Let's just say, I think every time he opens his mouth to let words come out...it's a lie. Get it together OchocincHoe.